Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The 30th year

Today is day 26 of my 30th year on this planet. It feels a lot like day 26 of my twentieth year.
I am doing a lot more laundry, and toilet scrubbing then I did when I was twenty.....hmmmm
I find myself looking forward to different things in the next decade. Before we get halfway through all three of my kids will be in school full time. Before I turn forty Daden and Tessa will both be in high school. Finally getting all the boxes unpacked, which may take the entire decade. Celebrating birthdays and holidays in our new house.
This year ( I mean my 30th year, not calendar year) I want to focus on being thankful. Truly thankful. I counted down the weeks to Thanksgiving last year by choosing something that I was thankful for as my facebook status everyday. The first few days, even the first week it was simple to come up with things to be thankful for. I was shocked at how quickly it became a struggle for me to find something to be thankful for. My life is so blessed, I couldn't believe that it was so difficult. I think that it is so easy for me to fall into the daily routine, and to become disenchanted with the things that may be unpleasant, but are really blessings.
So this week I focused on laundry. I was thankful that at least I had a washer and dryer in my house and didn't have to go to a laundry mat. My friend Jolie pointed out something I didn't even think of! Lots of laundry means I have lots of clothes to wear! Two blessings in something I don't like :D
If this keeps up, I may lose count! I can live with that :)